
There's a Wocket in my Pocket

...and a Ghair squashed between the wall and my chair.



Human's got nothing for you today.

So we're going to do one of these things.






That puppy is carrying the luggage!

I wish. I wish the puppy could carry my luggage. It is a wonderful theory, but the well fitting RuffWear Approach Pack II that Kirby wears, is, after all, Kirby sized. How much can a dog with a 10" neck fit inside his saddlebag? Not much. The pockets are unfortunately very small. I can fit one Rubbermaid Juice Box in each pocket, in addition to my keys, wallet, and phone, but that isn't exactly day trip suitable luggage.

The answer to the elusive "What's in Kirby's pack?" question is rocks. Plain old rocks. Sometimes the above listed stuff AND rocks. What are you thinking? Sadistic bitch, right? Kirby carries up the 20% bodyweight in gravel or rocks. How else do you expect me to wear a Kirby Bear down and keep him fit? Especially since he hasn't seen a jump or tunnel in almost 8 months [insert big sad face], he needs all the weight he can get. Call off the strangers with the weird looks.


How do you keep your dogs so white?

Hahahaha. If I got a dollar for every time I heard that.

Apparently, though, I have learned that a vast majority of human beings have never seen a white dog in their lifetime. This must be true, after all, since I can not wash my dogs for a month, not brush my dogs for a week, be hiking up a mountain the morning after a nice rain, and still be stopped by a stranger with their jaw dropped. "How could you bring them up here? You must have just given them a bath!"
"Hmmm... yes... you're right, about 3 hikes, 5 swims in a muddy pond, and 1 trip to the beach ago."
How do I keep them so white? I don't! The joy of knowing how to use a brush, and owning a non-staining dog does that for me. Of course, I use the term non-staining very loosely. I mean, under normal dog circumstances, doing normal dog things. That is, such as running in mud, or eating dirt, or sitting and breathing. These things do not create unsightly stains. Other Holly type things such as getting in the way of a Prego Explosion, yes, that may or may not be a staining scenario.

Your dogs are so white!


What is it that Kirbies do best?

You see, in between episodes of squashing Hollies, Kirbies trample through mud, and tall wet grass at breakneck speeds, while wearing a weighted set of saddlebags (bearing about 20% body weight), and bust over (or through, but never around) whatever may be in a Kirby's path. This is why we love Kirbies. Well, that and the eyes.


Did you say Dirty?

The master approves.


Filthy Pond Water...

Mmm, Mmm, Good!

Is there anything in the world that Holly gravitates towards that isn't dirty? Human hasn't found it yet!

I'm not finished.


Even Super Dog Rests

Every now and again


You must be mistaken

This is my paper bag.
