

Bobbing for Peas...

Bobbing for Peas isn't something that the above dog is particularly good at. In fact, both of the girls suck at it. They see the peas (or blueberries, or tomatoes... whatever is on tap for the day), but they don't understand why the peas are not where they appear to be when viewed from above. This is how they spend 40 minutes nearly drowning in four to eight inches of water.

This brings me to reason #1099 why Kirby is the coolest dog ever. Where else, other than my backyard, will you see a dog ride a skateboard into a series of jumps, landing himself into a pool of water, all on a cue of "Go!" simply for a CHANCE at bobbing peas out of the pool. AND, he is able to use his feet to locate the fruit or vegetable, before following his leg down, and successfully sucking all the peas from the bottom of the pool, effectively ending Holly's conundrum of where the pea really us.

No videos. Sorry, next time.



You see it coming, don't you?








Wheelin' & Dealin'

During a sudden cleaning frenzy that involved some of the massive collections of Dog Stuff, I found a variety of things that came in a package deal with The Best Free Dog Ever. Among those things were a variety of unused combs that are incorrect for Free Dog's coat type, all of which have been dusted off and transported to my Second Home (aka Place of Employment), and these...

These were not exactly a part of the Package, but they were purchased when it was advised that Free Dog would need these things every day, maybe multiple times a day, for the rest of its life. Because it was something semi-natural, and not a scary pharmaceutical like all the other things that were floating around Free Dog's bloodstream, I agreed and a "few" were purchased. Three are missing from the package(s), and they disappeared to the bottom of the bin, until now.

What did I do with them? Throw them away? No! Hey, these things aren't cheap.

I sold them on Craigslist. You read that right. I sold the drugs on Craigslist. Hey, they were non-prescription, OTC pills. And yes, I gave counsel with them. Maybe my little Bubble-Pak friends will help out the girl's dog whose body hasn't been attacked by conventional medicine.

You don't need drugs to be cool, do well in school....