

About Time!

Guess what! It finally happened! The "Dog Whisperer" has been CANCELLED Now if he could only find a way to get Kirby and Friends on television. So it would be boring for ratings, but we wouldn't have to hear a million people "TSSSSTTT"ing at their dogs with no response.



Famous Last Words

"Remarkably, she is never bad. I mean other than trying to chew my hand off my body when we are playing, but really she is so unassuming and quiet, any time that nobody is with her, I can pretty much count on her lying there looking like a log."
~Me, 06.04.2012

~Me, 20 minutes ago

It's not my fault.


Toto Disappointment

I found out a few weeks ago that CBC is having an open casting call on Dorothies and Totos for the Canadian stage version of the Wizard of Oz. The rules were stated as follows...

Toto is a bright fun loving companion full of energy and charisma who loves the spotlight and definitely isn't camera shy. Our Toto must be able to put a smile on anyone's face with clever tricks and affectionate behavior. Toto is faithful, heroic and an entertainer extraordinaire. Toto will have eyes that twinkle merrily back at our winning Dorothy, sure to turn the greyest of days into vibrant colorful adventures.

And with no breed or size restrictions! I'm sorry, does this remind you of anybody? Clever tricks! Entertainer! Twinkling eyes! Adventures! Come on! And as an added bonus, Kirby can come in whatever hair length you want, and if you tried really hard, I'm pretty sure you could pack him into a basket, true to Oz Tradition!

The Over the Rainbow page informed me that the open auditions would be held in six Canadian cities: Montréal, Halifax, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Vancouver- that's right, Vancouver. Score! Right? Wrong. Turns out that when it said "You" can attend the open audition in those cities, they were referring to "you" Dorothy, not "you" Toto. How misleading, I guess they didn't realize that Kirby can read. As it turns out, Toto auditions will only be held in Toronto, major bummer.

No stage acting for you this time. Your legs are too long to be a Toto anyway.



The girls want THIS

They already ate their current treat ball.

